Taxi from Korcula to Lumbarda
- Getting by taxi from Korcula Old Town to Lumbarda takes about 10 minutes.
- It is a 6 km long route.
- The cost per ride is 20 Euro
- The max number of people per car is 9
- The fare is per car NOT per person
Korcula to Lumbarda taxi telephone number:
+385 (0) 95 827 7319
Photos of the ride:
The beginning of the ride from Korcula taxi station
Getting out of Korcula Old Town, approaching the crossroads
Road to Lumbarda
Approach to Lumbarda
Arrival in the center of the village
Video of the ride:
See the below video of the full length of the taxi ride, it lasts just over 10 minutes:
Map of the ride:
Call us now @ Taxi Telephone: +385 (0) 95 827 7319