pupnatska luka

Taxi from Pupnatska Luka Beach to Cara and Zavalatica

Taxi from Pupnatska Luka Beach to Cara and Zavalatica

Getting by taxi from Pupnatska Luka to Cara and Zavalatica takes about 30 minutes. It is about 20 km long route The cost per ride is 35 Euro The taxi price is per car not per person. The max number of people per car is up to 9 persons For a return ride, …

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Taxi from Korcula Town to Pupnatska Luka Beach

Taxi from Korcula Town to Pupnatska Luka Beach

Taxi telephone number: +385 (0)95 827 7319 Photos of the ride: Photo: Views over the channel while driving to Pupnatska Luka Photo: Large part of the road to the beach offers magnificent sea views Photo: Lastovo island in the background Photo: the one lane windy road to the beach Photo: Approach to …

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